Becoming a West of the Pecos Cattlewomen Member
West of the Pecos Cattlewomen welcome members of all ages, from all walks of life. You do not have to own cattle or a ranch; just have a desire to help promote the BEEF Industry! Please contact any of the officers for more information or questions about becoming a member. If you would like to join or are a current member needing to pay your dues; checks may be made payable to West of the Pecos Cattlewomen or WPCW, and sent to P.O. Box 522, Marfa, TX 79843. Dues are $45.00 per year, due every October. Dues are payable on September 1 and delinquent after November 30. Our chapter keeps $20.00 and the other $25.00 goes to Texas Cattlewomen; so every member of West of the Pecos Cattlewomen is also a Texas Cattlewomen member.
West of The Pecos Cattlewomen’s Monthly Meeting
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.
Pecos Valley Country Club
80 Starley Drive
Pecos, Texas